the problem may be that a person who hasn't

experienced the heavenly state is unable to

appreciate it enough to commit themselves


how do you convey an experience that

can only be experienced?

being able to act in infinity for infinity

produces a sense of freedom that

is not within human experience

first, try to imagine you never die

then try to imagine you're with someone else

who never dies and who makes you a little

bit happier every time you look at them

then try to imagine you're in a vehicle

that does what you think it to do...

speeds up, slows down, rotates, twirls,

tumbles, curves through an axis, rolls,

pitches, yaws, ascends, descends...

changes colour with your thoughts and feelings

then imagine a couple of other vehicles coming

into your field of vision

they're rotating about a common axis in a way

that makes them look like their waltzing

it's so mesmerising you're drawn to it and when

you enter its "field of presence" an explosion of

pleasure occurs that you've never experienced


the feeling of pleasure quells as they smoothly

accelerate and move further away from you

as a reult of this entanglement your own

motions have become a little more fluid and

graceful and again your sense of well-being


then the understanding that these feelings and

motions are never going to stop re-emerges in

your consciousness

then, for the hundredth thousandth million

time, the daunting, incomprehensible distance

of space asserts it presence and presents you

with the ultimate challenge...

now do something really space-consuming acts